Nicola Patrick

Nicola Patrick

Nicola Patrick is a Horizons regional councillor, a co-founder of Thrive Whanganui (a trust growing social enterprise), and an environmental advisor for Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi (a south Taranaki iwi). She has a science degree and journalism diploma, and is the mum of two energetic boys. Nicola has also worked for Akina Foundation, led the development of AECOM’s corporate social responsibility programme across Australia-New Zealand, worked at Department of Conservation for 10 years in national roles and operational management, and was a reporter for the Manawatu Standard. She was the Green Party’s Whanganui candidate in 2017.

Case Study: Innovating Affordable Housing for the Community

November 20, 2018
Nicola Patrick talks with GM Dominic Foote The following Case Study featuring Dominic Foote forms one part of Financing the Future, our dynamic content project exploring the market opportunities for impact...

Case Study: Kilmarnock - Empowering people through employment.

November 20, 2018
Nicola Patrick talks with CEO Michelle Sharp The following Case Study featuring Michelle Sharp, CEO of Kilamarnock forms one part of Financing the Future, our dynamic content project exploring the market opportunities for impact investment...

Case Study: Waipā Agri-Impact Fund: Maximising environmental and investment returns at catchment scale.

November 20, 2018
Nicola Patrick talks with CEO Bob Penter The following Case Study featuring Bob Penter, CEO of Waikato River Authority forms one part of Financing the Future, our dynamic content project exploring the market opportunities for impact investment...

Case Study Ethique: Proving ethics in business work.

November 20, 2018
Nicola Patrick talks with CEO Brianne West The following Case Study featuring Brianna West, CEO of Ethique forms one part of Financing the Future, our dynamic content project exploring the market opportunities for impact investment in...