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The outputs of our work programme flow through three primary channels – content, research and campaigns – and comprise a diverse range of activities.

Ō Tātou Ngahere Conference

Ō Tātou Ngahere

Our Regenerative Future

Financing The Future

Our Forest Future

Net Zero New Zealand


What does it take for Aotearoa New Zealand to lead in addressing big challenges like climate change or threats to
freshwater and ecosystem health? Where do you even start in trying to answer such a question?


Our Advantages

The strength and richness of our science, our abundant natural resources, and the clarity of our bicultural leadership, place Aotearoa in an exciting position. Pure Advantage is proud to help translate these advantages into real-world environmental and economic solutions.

Built Environment

The built environment, and the construction and building sector, has an instrumental role to play as Aotearoa moves towards a healthier, zero carbon nation.


Unleashing the taniwha means finding our niche on net zero markets, identifying sunrise supply chains and becoming even better at what we’re good at.

Nature-based Solutions

To fully harness nature as a climate solution, we must completely reframe the way we view our natural resources and landscapes.


Recent advice from the Climate Change Commission (CCC) confirms that New Zealand is not on track to meet its 2050 targets, earmarking an increase in renewable energy as a leading priority.

Smart Systems

Smart systems make optimal use of all the interconnected information and agents available to more efficiently optimise the use of limited resources for the benefit of society.


Nurtured right, trust can continue to be among our greatest assets for enduring prosperity and resilience in New Zealand’s journey towards a more sustainable future. 

Aotearoa – ‘A place where talent wants to live – which is about looking after our pristine environment as much as anything’

– Sir Paul Callaghan

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