Prof. Barry Barton

Prof. Barry Barton

At Waikato, Barry Barton is a Professor of Law and the Director of the Centre for Environmental, Resources and Energy Law. In the international field, he is the New Zealand member of the Academic Advisory Group of the Section of Energy, Environment, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Law of the International Bar Association. His current work concerns climate change, property rights under the RMA, electric vehicles, mining, and community benefits from resources projects.

Why Isn’t the Government Producing Reports Like Net Zero in New Zealand?

April 27, 2017
One question that comes to me while reading the Net Zero in New Zealand report is, “why isn’t the government producing reports like this?” It’s a question worth exploring for...

What to Look for in the Draft Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy

January 18, 2017
In Professor Barry Barton’s previous article, he stated that Energy efficiency will account for 51% of all cumulative emissions savings by 2040 if the world moves from business as usual...

What to Look for in Energy Efficiency Policy

September 01, 2016
Some energy and climate change stories are easier to tell than others. Electric vehicles and renewable energy are easy to talk about as elements of an energy transition to a...

What to Look for in Electric Vehicle Policy

April 07, 2016
Electric vehicles have been getting a lot of attention. Rightly so; they are exciting, and their arrival is a benefit environmentally. They have attracted the attention of the government, and...