Genevieve Northey

Genevieve Northey

Genevieve Northey is the Donations and Systems Advisor for The Tindall Foundation. Genevieve travelled to Marrakesh, Morocco to attend COP22 as a member of the AYLI Youth delegation. She is currently completing postgraduate studies at The Australian Centre of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies, via QUT's Business School. This article represents Genevieve’s thoughts and feelings about her own experience, and are not necessarily the views held by The Tindall Foundation.

COP22: Reflections, lessons learned and highlights from the 2016 UN Climate Change Summit

March 03, 2017
While visiting Tiritiri Matangi in Auckland’s Hauraki Gulf last year, our island guide described Aotearoa’s unique native birds as being “ecologically naive” due to the late arrival of mammalian predators...