It’s no exaggeration to say that the current massive swing towards renewable, zero carbon technologies and sustainable natural resources is a race against time to save the planet.
This shift is Aotearoa’s economic future. If we are to survive and thrive, we must harness the very best of our collective knowledge to protect and enhance our natural resources.
Fortunately, we are well placed to achieve this with leaders who are acting quickly and decisively, a population who genuinely love this land, and science that is allowing us to assess and mitigate the environmental destruction we have caused and embed resilience for the future.
And there is something special happening deep within our science, a gradual decolonising of institutional knowledge that is allowing non-Māori to see that the answers to some of our most pressing environmental questions have been there all along, in the guiding principles of kaitiakitanga long practiced by our tangata whenua.
As a collective, New Zealanders are finally understanding that we must all work with and for the wellbeing of the land and its resources, not against them. And there’s not a moment to lose.
The strength and richness of our science, our abundant natural resources, and the clarity of our bicultural leadership, place Aotearoa in an exciting position. Pure Advantage is proud to help translate these advantages into real-world environmental and economic solutions.
What we do
Pure Advantage supports a broad range of sustainability, regenerative and green growth-focused research activities that generate cutting-edge theory and practice to transform how New Zealanders understand and manage the relationship between the environment and the economy.
We advocate for economic models that enable stewardship of the environment, profitability and positive social outcomes. In promoting these models we seek to uphold the ethical imperatives of impact investment while also dispelling any lingering misconceptions around wealth creation and environmental protection being contradictory goals.
Pure Advantage believes that through the adoption of transformative economic strategies based in kaitiakitanga and green growth, New Zealand’s environment, people and businesses will see a healthier, wealthier future that is more sustainable in every sense.

To champion environmentally focused economic models and business practices as the best way for New Zealand to become and remain a world leading, climate positive, economically thriving and socially just society.
We play a key facilitation role within New Zealand, providing a platform for advancing consideration and uptake of the principles and practices of sustainable development.
Our work programme encompasses a range of pressing issues, including:
The outputs of our work programme flow through three primary channels – content, research and campaigns – and comprise a diverse range of activities.