Jade Kake

Jade Kake

Jade Kake is an architectural designer, writer, and housing advocate. Of Māori and Dutch descent, her tribal affiliations are Ngāpuhi (Ngāti Hau me Te Parawhau), Te Whakatōhea and Te Arawa. Jade has experience working directly with Māori land trusts and tribal entities to progress culturally-based sustainable development, and in working with mana whenua groups to express their cultural values and narratives through the design of their physical environments. Jade is fortunate to live within her home area of Whangarei, where she is leading several projects to support the re-establishment and development of papakāinga communities.

Innovative financing: supporting housing aspirations on Māori land

November 20, 2018
The following provocation by Jade Kake forms one part of Financing the Future, our dynamic content project exploring the market opportunities for impact investment in Aotearoa New Zealand. The project is...