Bridgit Hawkins
Bridgit Hawkins, a Massey University alumni, is an agricultural business specialist with extensive commercial experience in the rural sector, Bridgit is a founder of Regen Ltd; an innovative company creating world class, technology-based solutions for the agricultural sector. Bridgit’s experience includes strategic development and business analysis for organisations as diverse as AgResearch, SpectraNet, Danish Technology Institute (DTI), Agribusiness Research and Education Network (AREN), TradeNZ and Catapult Genetics. Bridgit has presented on effluent management and environmental sensing solutions at various industry conferences throughout New Zealand, Korea and South America.
Regen – Making farming synonymous with conservation
February 15, 2017 Imagine a time when any farmer could quote their water use efficiency just as easily as the current milk or meat price. Imagine a time when all the factors that...